We love when our alumni come back to visit, say hello to their teachers, get a tour to see updates in the building, tell us what they’re doing, and maybe even get hot lunch from the cafeteria. Mrs. Tanenbaum probably remembers their favorite meal! The photos of teachers through the decades and graduating classes over the years are always popular sites for alumni to explore.

CTA alumni are diverse but all share certain traits. CTA alumni are proud of their Judaism, no matter their affiliation or observance. CTA alumni know how to get along with all different people; being in a small school, our students can’t avoid or ignore anyone. CTA alumni know how to speak to their professors; our students are accustomed to having friendly relationships with their teachers.  CTA alumni know what it means to be in a community where we look out for each other. Whether for happy occasions or more difficult moments, CTA alumni grew up seeing their classmates, teachers, and administrators go above and beyond to show support for each other.

When they come back to visit, our alumni regale us with their stories. We love to hear them.

For information on post-high school/college guidance, go to: https://sites.google.com/torahacademy.org/cta-us-counseling-guidance/college-guidance

CTA has over 1000 alumni from our 8th and 12th grade programs.  Our rich history, since 1958, is built on the students who have become successful in their professions and community. 

Alumni interested in connecting with CTA, should contact info@torahacademy.org

Be sure to join our Facebook Group by clicking on Columbus Torah Academy Alumni, Family and Friends