Ways to support


The CTA Annual Fund

The CTA Fund supports our annual operations. Your investment provides nearly 30 percent of our revenue and you will see dividends as CTA:

  • Replaces aging computers and updates our infrastructure (vital for record-keeping and instruction)
  • Replenishes and updates supplies and equipment for our science labs. One of the labs particularly needs renovation to accommodate more students, correct leaks and improve safety
  • Purchases textbooks and materials geared for our high-achieving students. And we’ve got a lot!
  • Provides scholarships for families who cannot afford full tuition. CTA provides $1 million in tuition assistance each year. The annual scholarship dinner provides 22 percent of these awards. You provide the rest.

Contact Shari Herszage at 614-864-0299, Ext. 218 or  sherszage@torahacademy.org .

You may make individual gifts through the mail, or you may give safely and securely online. Give in someone’s honor or memory. Invest so our children excel.


The CTA Scholarship Fund

The CTA Scholarship Fund supports our financial assistance program.  All enrolled families are eligible to apply for financial assistance for tuition costs.  Funds are raised for the CTA Scholarship Fund primarily through our Annual Scholarship Dinner which is held in December each year.  A Dinner Journal with advertising space and a Silent and Student Art Auction are featured at the Scholarship Dinner.  The Dinner fundraiser showcases our school to the entire community and features student performances, recognition of honored supporters and highlights of the school’s achievements.  Click here for more information and advertising opportunities.


Capital program

CTA teachers rely on the building’s facilities and resources to teach our children. From time to time, CTA embarks in a campaign to upgrade its facility or establish or support an educational program. Investing in these endeavors is an excellent way to create a lasting legacy for you or your family. Currently, CTA has opportunities to enhance our science labs, library collection, technology, athletic program and other areas.

Shari Herszage would be delighted to speak with you about these opportunities. Contact her at 614-864-0299, Ext. 218 or  sherszage@torahacademy.org .


CTA Endowment Fund

Leave a legacy that will benefit your community for generations

The CTA Endowment Fund are funds whose principal remains in perpetuity and interest is reinvested and applied toward the annual budget.  Fund are held by the Columbus Jewish Foundation in partnership with JewishColumbus and in privately held funds.  To see a list of current Funds click here.

You have worked hard to build a quality of life for yourself and those you care about. Why not make arrangements to allow Jewish students in Columbus the chance to do the same for themselves?

Every planned gift (also called an estate gift, legacy gift or bequest) to Columbus Torah Academy helps provide children with the tools, support and education to maintain the Jewish people for the future.   There are many ways to leave a lasting legacy with Columbus Torah Academy and most planned gifts provide substantial tax advantages to the donor. We can work with you and your financial advisor to create the planned gift that best fits your financial circumstances and wishes.

Shari Herszage would be honored to speak with you about these opportunities. Contact her at 614-864-0299, Ext. 218 or  sherszage@torahacademy.org .




Columbus Torah Academy considers parents an integral part of the school community. The partnership between educators and parents is a critical alliance that enriches students’ lives.

The Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) offers volunteer opportunities to help support student activities,  scholarships and other school projects. The PTO plans events and lends personal support during the school day with volunteer help in classrooms and administrative offices.

Volunteer opportunities for parents are published in the week “Dateline” newsletter. We welcome parent support at the many student activities and encourage parents to partner with each other in supporting all of our students.


Schoolwide Fundraisers

Various school groups have fundraisers throughout the year which benefit the individual students.  Many of these fundraisers are for services which you might otherwise have participated in, just your purchase through links will give a reward to CTA students. See how>>

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