Dear Friends of CTA,
There is no better time to take stock of what Columbus Torah Academy brings to you, your family, your community and the Jewish people than now as we approach Rosh Hashanah.  
Because of CTA, our children can become literate Jews empowered with the tools to be active and contributing citizens of our communities.  A well rounded Jewish studies education prepares our students for a life of meaning and success and furthers purpose with a deep understanding of Jewish heritage, traditions, and Torah learning.  A high quality general studies program inspires passion and promotes success in varied professional fields from medicine to arts, the rabbinate to engineering, entrepreneurship to law.  CTA students are accustomed to open a siddur to the correct page, able to feel comfortable walking into any synagogue, to converse thoughtfully about Torah concepts and ideas, to find relevant sources in Torah text, able to advocate and defend Israel, and can even speak the universal language of Jewish food. 
For over 64 years, CTA has been dedicated to the growth and stability of the Columbus Jewish community and we look forward to many future generations benefitting from a CTA education.  The CTA Endowment Fund, held by the Columbus Jewish Foundation at JewishColumbus offers the stability to ensure a bright future.  By growing our endowment we guarantee that the CTA we love and know will be around for a long time.   
 CTA is fortunate to participate in the current Life & Legacy Initiative at JewishColumbus.  A legacy is a gift for CTA supporters to put their stamp on the school that is near and dear to their heart.  Legacies are created through the CTA Endowment Fund that has been building for many years.  The Fund’s principal is NEVER touched and the earned interest benefits school operations and future pursuits and projects.  By adding new partners and funds, we grow the CTA Endowment which already boasts 47 actualized donations and bequests.    
How can you help to assure Jewish continuity at CTA?  We invite you to speak with us about making a commitment to the CTA Endowment Fund by signing a Letter of Intent through the Life & Legacy Initiative.  Thank you to the supporters who have already signed and the generous supporters who have already created a Fund.  If you have already signed with another agency, you can add CTA.  Your legacy maintains and continues your support of the Columbus Jewish Community through the institutions that you care most about like CTA.
May we all see 120 years and beyond knowing that CTA will thrive and strive for the benefit of our children’s future.
Contact one of us to further discuss the CTA Endowment and Life & Legacy Initiative or click on the button below to be contacted.
Wishing you and your family a Chag Sameach v’Gemar Hatima Tova!
Life & Legacy Committee
Raanan Lefkovitz, Board President
Stacy Leeman
Steven Stieglitz
Yoni Zofan
Rabbi Avrohom Drandoff, Head of School
Shari Herszage, Development Coordinator