Thank you to the Ohio Arts Council who granted Columbus Torah Academy with a TeachArts Ohio grant for the 2021-2022 school year.  The grant brought Writer in Residence, Amy Greenberg, an Ohio Arts Council approved artist and a local author and writer who has been conducting Writing Workshops at CTA for more than 20 years.

​​8th and 10th graders met with Mrs. Greenberg at the beginning of 2nd semester and worked on reflective writing and creative vignettes. 

2nd graders culminate their Writing Workshop with writer in residence Amy Greenberg with an event to share their original poems with parents.  Mrs. Greenberg’s residency at CTA was supported by a TeachArts Ohio grant from the Ohio Arts Council.  Esteemed judges were Mrs. Greenberg and Chiquita Mullins Lee, OAC Arts Learning Coordinator.  

Grades 4-6 took advantage of Mrs. Greenberg’s workshops during Shabbat Electives.  Students who took the poetry elective worked with Mrs. Greenberg to write poetry about the Middot program and then with the help of artist Sam Sellers, they converted them into rap songs that they put into a video.  Check it out at https://youtube.com/watch?v=HboWmXR2Jak&feature=share