End of Year Packet


June 10, 2022

Dear Parents,

What a year!  We made it to Summer!  I hope that you are having a great start and can spend quality family time enjoying the weather and relaxing.

Here is some important information to end the year and in preparation for next year:

REPORT CARDS:  Final 2021-2022 report cards will be emailed home in addition to being posted to ALMA by June 14, 2022. If you did not receive the report card and do not see the final grades for the year posted on your child’s Alma page, it may mean that you have outstanding financial obligations or library/textbooks due.  Families with outstanding school balances should contact Norm Leist at nleist@torahacademy.org. Families who need help navigating Alma should contact Eliza Delman at edelman@torahacademy.org.

SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2022-2023:  The first day of school is planned for August 23, 2023.  A proposed calendar highlighting the year can be found at www.torahacademy.org/calendar  A complete calendar will be mailed to you with the August packet and dates will continue to be updated on the website calendar. 

TUITION FOR 2022-2023:  Tuition Assistance determinations for the 2022-2023 will be emailed out before August 1.  Families who elect to pay tuition in full must submit payment by August 1, 2022.  Families who are paying in installments through FACTS will make their first payment in September.

SUMMER READING LISTS AND ASSIGNMENTS:  See below for information specific to all grades.

  • Lower School Summer Brain Challenges:  Incoming 1st-6th grade students can participate in davening, learning, math, reading, and hebrew (3-6) challenges to prevent “summer slide” and foster continued learning.  They can be be found online at https://www.torahacademy.org/lower-school-summer-challenges/ 
  • Suggested Reading Lists for students entering grades K-7 can be found on the CTA website at  https://www.torahacademy.org/library-reading-lists/  Happy Reading!
  • Upper School Required Summer Reading and Assignments:  There are required Summer Reading and Assignments for all students entering grades 7-12.   They have been emailed home and are posted at www.torahacademy.org/upper-school-summer-assignments
  • High School Community Service:   All CTA High School students are required to fulfill 15 hours per year of community service.  It is the hope of CTA that our students will learn to look for opportunities to help others and then follow through on offering their assistance.  Students can get a head start during the summer.  Details about the policy and forms to download can be found at https://www.torahacademy.org/high-school-community-service-form/

CTA UNIFORM:  CTA’s Uniform Policy can be found on the CTA website at https://www.torahacademy.org/parent-portal/uniform-policy/   The policy will be reviewed over the summer and any updates will be shared before the start of school.

There are two ways to get new logo shirts.  Lands End has a selection of CTA uniform items.  Please use the preferred school number when you shop.   You can also bring approved shirts to CTA for logo application.  Each logo is $7 paid to CTA.  The summer deadline and locations for drop off for logo application is July 25.  All of that information can be found on the CTA website at the address above.

Also, the Uniform Gemach has second hand uniform items.  Contact Shari Herszage to arrange a time to shop or drop off any donations that you have.  Gemach costs are recommended at $3 per item.

There are also CTA Kippot and a limited number of hooded CBI sweatshirts available for sale.  Contact Shari to ask what sizes or make an order.

STUDENT SCHOOL SUPPLIES: School supply lists for grades K-6 are available on the school website at https://www.torahacademy.org/school-supplies/ Students in grades 7-12 will receive their supply lists on the first few days of school.  More information will be coming about students in grades 2-12 purchasing headphones for school use.


Columbus Public Schools Bussing Returning students:  More information will come later in the summer.  There is nothing for returning students to do if you have already been riding the Columbus Public Schools bus.

Columbus Public Schools Bussing NEW students:  New students to Columbus, must make a request ASAP for bus transportation.  Use this link https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=4818  and CLICK HERE TO BEGIN YOUR TRANSPORTATION REQUEST

Bexley Bussing:  Bexley families (Current and New) who would like transportation, need to fill out the forms on the CTA  website by July 1st. The forms can be emailed to John Eikenberry at Bexley City Schools at john.eikenberry@bexley.us or mailed to Bexley City Schools, Attention: John Eikenberry, 348 S. Cassingham Road Bexley, Ohio 43209.  Here is the link to download and print Bexley transportation forms. https://www.torahacademy.org/bustransportation

If you have any questions about bus transportation, please contact Kaley at kmizrachi@torahacademy.org

UPDATED MEDICAL INFORMATION:   By law, every student must have an updated emergency contact form on file each school year.  Those will be distributed in the back to school packet in August.  Please submit an updated health history noting changes in your child’s health.  Note that:

  • As required by Ohio law, students will be excluded from school on the 15th day if immunization mandates are not met and forms are not on file.
  • Incoming 7th grade and 12th grade students should pay special attention to current guidelines.
  • All students should please submit an up-to-date immunization record.

Immunization guidelines and all forms are explained and available on the CTA Health Services web page along with other health related requirements and all forms which can also be accessed from the Parent Page on the CTA website.

KEEP IN TOUCH:  Are you kids headed to sleep away camp? We’d love to drop them a postcard. Fill out the form using the link below to let us know where they are going and what weeks.  https://forms.gle/WtbdqkaY7wKq34To9 

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: The school office will be closed during the month of July.  If you need access to the building or have a pressing matter to discuss, please contact Norm Leist at nleist@torahacademy.org or 864-0299 ext. 200.

SUMMER CONTACT INFORMATION:  If you have any questions or concerns over the summer, parents should contact Rabbi Drandoff, Head of School, at adrandoff@torahacademy.org.

Best wishes for a relaxing summer.


Rabbi Avrohom Drandoff
Head of School